A Change In Size Shape Or State Of Matter. 33 Questions Show answers. A change in matter that produces one or more new substances is a __________ change. Ice melts to form water in the liquid state when it is heated. The components of water remain the same just the shape changes.
33 Questions Show answers. The components of water remain the same just the shape changes. In a physical change matter may change its size shape or state but its chemical properties do not change. These changes in state are called physical changes because the process can be reversed. A physical change can occur in a solid liquid or a gas and a chemical change can only occur in a liquid. Because the chemical properties of matter remain the same in a physical change a physical change is often easy to reverse.
When a physical change occurs the substance can be put back into its original form.
When we heat the liquid water it changes to water vapor. A change of state is a physical change in a matter. Here the phase change is a change in state – from the solid state to the liquid state. A physical change is a change to a sample of matter in which some properties of the material change but the identity of the matter does not. A physical change can occur in a solid liquid or a gas and a chemical change can only occur in a liquid. Because the chemical properties of matter remain the same in a physical change a physical change is often easy to reverse.