Uwa Salary Scales. Professional and General staff salaries are paid in accordance with the current University of Western Australia Professional and General Staff Agreement. Professional Staff at 17 Superannuation. Classification Step Base Salary Hourly Base Salary Fortnightly Base Salary Per Annum Total Cost Remuneration Salary Super LLoading Oncosts Total Employment Cost. AttractionRetention Allow Dental Only Super 1579700 60564.
Rates effective as of 3 February 2020. Graduate salary tables for Australian universities. For further information refer to Schedule 6 The COVID-19 Schedule of the Monash University Enterprise Agreement Academic and Professional Staff 2019. Level B 98526 - 116792 or Level C 120444 - 138713 pa. Salary Scales for employees of the University of Western Australia are detailed in the HYPERLINK httpwwwhruwaeduauhrermscollective_workplace_agreements Collective Agreements and can also be found at the following website 1. The results show observed earnings unemployment and advanced studies.
Salary point Full-time annual rate Full-time fortnightly rate Casual hourly rate. ONE 01 AGE LIMIT. NOT MORE THAN 35 YEARS MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB To participate in development of comprehensive and integrated plans strategies and budgets. FOUR 4 YEARS RENEWABLE NUMBER OF VACANCIES. Graduate Demonstration - School of Design. Find University of West Alabama Salaries by Job Title.